Sunday, May 17, 2020

Edad en peticiones de green card y otras solicitudes

En Estados Unidos la edad juega un papel fundamental en peticiones de la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, y otros beneficios migratorios como el asilo, programas humanitarios, loterà ­a de visas, etc. La edad determina quià ©n puede pedir ciertos beneficios migratorios para familiares, y tambià ©n quià ©n puede recibirlos, por derecho propio o porque puede ser incluido en la peticià ³n de su padre o madre. Cabe destacar que desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratoria y en contra de lo que a menudo se piensa, un menor –a quien se denomina child– no es la persona que no ha cumplido  la mayorà ­a de edad. Por el contrario, un nià ±o para Inmigracià ³n puede ser una persona menor de 16 aà ±os, de 18 o de 21, dependiendo del tipo de peticià ³n. En todos los casos, el menor debe permanecer soltero para mantener la consideracià ³n de menor. Casos en los que la edad afecta a la peticià ³n de la green card por familia La edad juega un papel en las peticiones de la green card, pero solo en determinados supuestos, destacando: Peticià ³n de ciudadano estadounidense a hijo/a Los ciudadanos pueden pedir la tarjeta de residencia para sus hijos. Se distinguen tres situaciones, segà ºn la edad y estado civil de los mismos. Hijos soltero menor de 21 aà ±osHijos soltero mayor de 21 aà ±osHijo casado de cualquier edad Solo los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os son considerados como familiares inmediatos del ciudadano. Esa categorà ­a especial posibilita que ese menor pueda adquirir la green card por peticià ³n del padre o madre en aproximadamente 12 -18 meses. Si desde la peticià ³n de la green card y su aprobacià ³n el hijo cumple los 21 aà ±os de edad todavà ­a puede optar a obtener los papeles en esa categorà ­a porque se considera que su edad se ha congelado en el momento de presentacià ³n de la solicitud. Por el contrario, las otras dos categorà ­as reciben respectivamente el nombre de F1 y F3 y son peticiones que tardan aà ±os en resolverse. El boletà ­n de visas es documento a consultar para orientarse sobre el tiempo de demora. Por otro lado, en las peticiones de un hijo en la categorà ­a F1 o F3 se puede incluir a los hijos de tales hijos, siempre y cuando permanezcan solteros y tengan menos de 21 aà ±os en el momento de aprobarse su visa de inmigrante. Si en el momento de la tramitacià ³n final esos hijos han cumplido ya los 21 aà ±os de edad no podrà ¡n obtener la green card de esta manera. Se les considera lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como age out. Es decir, la edad los ha dejado fuera. No importa que la peticià ³n se hubiera presentado cuando eran unos nià ±os pequeà ±os. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para sus hijastros Aplican las mismas condiciones que para las peticiones de hijos biolà ³gicos, tal y como se han explicado en el apartado anterior, pero con un requisito mà ¡s: el matrimonio entre el ciudadano y padre o madre del muchacho/a para el que se desea pedir los papeles tiene que haberse celebrado antes de que dicho muchacho hubiera cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad. Visa de inmigrante K-2 para hijos de prometido/a de ciudadano estadounidense Los ciudadanos pueden solicitar una visa K-2 para los hijos de sus novios siempre y cuando dichos hijos està ©n solteros y tengan menos de 21 aà ±os cumplidos. Peticià ³n de residente permanente para hijo/a Los residentes permanente pueden solicitar a sus hijos solteros. Los menores de 21 aà ±os caen en la categorà ­a que se conoce F2A y los mayores de dicha edad son considerados como F2B. La primera peticià ³n tarda menos aà ±os que la segunda. Los residentes permanentes no pueden pedir a hijos casados, sin que importe la edad. Excepciones a la regla general de edad en peticiones de green card La Ley de Proteccià ³n del Estatus del Menor (CSPA, ver el texto completo en inglà ©s) entrà ³ en vigor en 2002 y permite que ciertas personas para las que ya se ha pedido una green card antes de cumplir los 21 aà ±os y que cumplen dicha edad antes de finalizarse la tramitacià ³n sigan siendo consideradas como nià ±os (child) hasta la finalizacià ³n de la misma. Estos son los tres casos: Si un ciudadano americano pide a un hijo/a soltero menor de 21 aà ±os En este caso, la edad del hijo se congela en la fecha en la que se ha presentado ante el USCIS la forma I-130. Por ejemplo, si el hijo tiene 20 aà ±os y nueve meses y su visa està ¡ disponible cuando ya tiene 22, se le sigue considerando a estos efectos como menor de 21 aà ±os. Si un residente permanente legal pide a un hijo/a En este caso la edad del muchacho se congela si el padre o la madre que es residente se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n antes de que el hijo alcance los 21. En estos casos se considera como edad del chico la que tenà ­a en la fecha de la jura del progenitor como ciudadano americano. Generalmente, eso beneficia al pedido que podrà ­a obtener antes la green card. Sin embargo, eso no siempre ocurre asà ­, y se tiene que verificar si es mà ¡s rà ¡pido para el hijo seguir siendo un F2B o pasar a la categorà ­a de F1, para hijos solteros de ciudadanos. Si es mà ¡s conveniente lo primero,  comunicà ¡rselo por carta al USCIS,  diciendo que se opta por seguir en la categorà ­a de hijo de residente. Por à ºltimo recordar que tanto en el caso de peticià ³n de residente convertido en ciudadano o de ciudadano que pidià ³ a su hijo, se tiene un aà ±o para proseguir los trà ¡mites para adquirir la green card mediante la presentacià ³n del formulario que le corresponda: I-824, Accià ³n sobre una aplicacià ³n o peticià ³n aprobada.I-485, Ajuste de estatus, si està ¡ ya viviendo en Estados Unidos.DS-230, Aplicacià ³n por una visa de inmigrante, que debe tramitarse en la oficina consular que corresponda. En otras palabras, se debe proceder con los trà ¡mites sin demora porque hay que recordar que no es suficiente con tener aprobado el I-130. Refugiados y casos de asilo Los refugiados y asilados pueden pedir una green card para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Se entiende que cumplen con este requisito si esa era su situacià ³n en el momento en el que uno de los progenitores presentà ³ el formulario I-589, Aplicacià ³n para asilo o el I-590, Registro como refugiado. La edad en peticiones de green card por razones diferentes a familia La edad tambià ©n afecta a casos de peticiones de green card por razones diferentes a familia, como por ejemplo, la loterà ­a, asilo,  patrocinio de empresa, inversià ³n, etc.  En estos casos, el beneficiario podrà ¡ incluir en su misma solicitud a su cà ³nyuge y a sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por ejemplo, Anà ­bal Là ³pez està ¡ casado y tiene dos hijos, uno de 19 aà ±os y el otro de 21. Y gana la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad. Anà ­bal podrà ¡ emigrar a Estados Unidos junto con su esposa y su hijo de 19 aà ±os, cada uno con su propia green card. Sin embargo, el hijo de 21 aà ±os no obtiene los papeles. La solucià ³n en estos casos es que Anà ­bal o su esposa, una vez en Estados Unidos, puedan iniciar los trà ¡mites como residentes para pedir a un hijo soltero mayor de 21 aà ±os.   Edad y seguro mà ©dico en las visas de inmigrante para la residencia A partir del 3 de noviembre de 2019, los solicitantes de la visa de inmigrante deberà ¡n probar que pueden adquirir seguro mà ©dico en los 30 dà ­as siguientes a su ingreso a EE.UU. o tienen recursos econà ³micos suficientes para hacer frente a previsibles gastos mà ©dicos. De esta regla està ¡n excluidos los menores de 18 aà ±os, siempre y cuando acompaà ±en a uno de sus padres o guardià ¡n legal, el cual sà ­ debe cumplir con esa obligacià ³n. Edad y el Estatus de Inmigrantes Especiales Juveniles Este programa, conocido como SIJS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s, permite obtener la tarjeta de residencia a los muchachos indocumentados presentes en EE.UU. y que han sido abusados, abandonados o tratados con negligencia por sus padres y cuyo mejor interà ©s sea permanecer en los Estados Unidos. La edad para beneficiarse de este programa es 18 o 21 aà ±os, dependiendo del estado en el que el muchacho reside. Edad y DACA En el programa especial para jà ³venes indocumentados conocido como DACA, los beneficiados deben cumplir, entre otros requisitos, el de haber llegado a EE.UU. antes de haber cumplido los 16 aà ±os de edad. Tampoco podà ­an tener mà ¡s de 30 en el momento en que aplicaron. La edad del ciudadano para pedir papeles Los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden solicitar la green card para sus padres y hermanos, pero para presentar la solicitud deben haber cumplido los 21 aà ±os de edad.   Si està ¡n casados sà ­ pueden pedir a su cà ³nyuge, porque el matrimonio los ha convertido en adultos a los ojos de Inmigracià ³n. Ciudadanà ­a estadounidense y edad La edad tambià ©n puede afectar a la ciudadanà ­a en diversas situaciones. Asà ­, para adquirirla por derecho de sangre es necesario cumplir todos los requisitos antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os. Por otra parte, los residentes permanentes legales menores de 18 aà ±os pueden adquirir automà ¡ticamente la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense cuando uno de sus padres se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n. Tambià ©n se puede adquirir por adopcià ³n y, en casos excepcionales, por naturalizacià ³n por derecho derivado de un abuelo. Cà ³mo afecta la edad en las visas no inmigrantes Muchas de las visas no inmigrantes, como por ejemplo la de estudiante, intercambio o temporales de trabajo  permiten a su titular traer a su familia a Estados Unidos por el tiempo que dure su estancia.   En estos casos las familias gozan de lo que se conoce como visas derivadas, ya que dependen de la del principal. Y en estos casos por familia hay que entender el cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por ejemplo, Carmen Vega es enviada por su empresa a Estados Unidos con una visa L-1 de transfer y le acompaà ±an su esposo y sus hijos menores de 21 aà ±os. Todos estos con una L-2. Pero durante la estancia el hijo mayor cumple los 21. Como ya no puede disfrutar de una visa derivada tiene que salir de Estados Unidos o quedarse pero con una visa de la que es su propio titular. Por ejemplo, una F-1 porque està ¡ estudiando en la universidad. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card Finalmente, para todos los lectores interesados en la tarjeta de residencia, este test brinda una oportunidad sencilla de informarse sobre aspectos fundamentales para sacar la green card y conservarla sin problemas. Puntos Clave: edad en peticiones y beneficios migratorios Peticiones de ciudadano para hijo: menor de 21 es familiar inmediato, mayor de 21 y soltero es F1 y casado de cualquier edad F3.Peticiones de ciudadano a hijastro: matrimonio de ciudadano y padre/madre de hijastro debe haberse celebrado antes de que el hijo/a hubiera cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad.Peticiones de visa K-2 para hijos de novio/a de ciudadano: solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Peticiones de residente para hijos solteros: menos de 21 aà ±os es un F2A, 21 o mà ¡s e u n F2B.Transmisià ³n de ciudadanà ­a americana por derecho de sangre: todos los requisitos deben cumplirse antes de haber cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad.Visas de inmigrante o no inmigrante derivadas: se puede incluir a los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Asilo: pueden adquirir la green card los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de la persona que obtiene el asilo.Estatus Especial de Inmigrante Juvenil: pueden adquirir los papeles si son menores de 18 o de 21, depende del estado de residencia.Peticià ³ n de ciudadano de green card para padres o hermanos: tiene que haber cumplido 21 aà ±os de edad. Este artà ­culo tiene un fin meramente informativo. No es ayuda legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Same-sex Rights Should Be a Federal Matter - 821 Words

Title My struggle to come to this country was epic. I crossed four border lines and spent almost a year to get to the United States of America. I didn’t care. I could repeat every step and face every fear I had during my journey because I reached my goal, living in a free country where your dreams become true and the government protects your rights and your freedoms, but this isn’t the truth for everybody living in America. There are no dreams come true for the homosexual people. They don’t enjoy the same warranties heterosexuals are granted. Getting married, raised a child, or grow emotionally and economically together arent rights that the federal government grant to homosexuals because they were left to the states to decide, and only a few have taken a step forward this matter. It loos like the constitution wasn’t being applied to people with a different sexual orientation. Same-sex rights should be a federal matter as opposed to a state matter. Th erefore, the federal government should assure In our Declaration of Independence the founding fathers clearly stated that everyone is entitled to â€Å"the pursuit of happiness.† A basic right and something that most people strive for, is the creation of a happy and stable family. Same-sex couples are being left aside this civil right. They can’t pursuit their happiness thru marriage because this contract that goes beyond the emotional connection betweenShow MoreRelatedThe Debate On Legalizing Same Sex Marriage1251 Words   |  6 Pagesjurisdictions, two people of the same sex (Physcology Today , 2015 ). Marriage is an important part of our society. The emotional bond between two lovers is the strongest bond and most sacred (Anderson, 2013 ). However there are people who get left out because their partner is not of the same gender as they are. The debate on legalising same sex marriage is an important issue as it surrounds its concern on both the human rights portion as well as the moral rights. Many people claim that ‘non-heterosexualityRead MoreDo State Laws Prohibit Same Sex Marriage Violate The United States Constitution1444 Words   |  6 Pagesstate laws prohibiting same-sex marriage violate the United States Constitution? This is a question that will be presented before the United States Supreme Court. Four states with bans restricting marriage to a union between one man and one woman will be considered. The question at hand relies on the Court’s interpretation of the 14th Amendment in both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protections Clause; the Court will also have to consider the question of State’s rights and whether the StateRead MoreRights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagessix allow same-sex couples to get married, even fewer allow same-sex couples their full rights as parents. State laws aren’t the only laws to blame; some federal laws also inhibit same-sex marriage, be nefits, adoption, and parenting rights. There are even laws prohibiting same-sex couples from becoming adoptive parents altogether. Rights should not be limited because of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or creed; that’s discrimination. Same-sex couples who want to be parents should have theRead More Should Marriage Be Left To The States? Essays1696 Words   |  7 PagesMy short answer is quot;noquot;, but let me explain. Before answering what I think the situation should be, it is helpful to look at what the situation is. Currently family law is a matter left to a great extent to the states. States have the power to decide who may marry, the legal process required to do so, and what the legal consequences of that marriage are within the state. In all these matters states differ from each other. The state is limited in its actions, though, to the requirement ofRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Respected1123 Words   |  5 Pagessociety, same-sex marriage shou ld be respected at the same level as traditional opposite-sex marriage. â€Å"Marriage is the ultimate affirmation of a sexual relationship. Marriage is the institution in which we not only tolerate people having sex and housing children, but we encourage it and celebrate it as a society† (Foust 3). Most states attempted to avoid the same-sex marriage issue by defining marriage between man and woman, but that soon became an unexpected controversial issue (â€Å"Same-Sex MarriageRead MoreThe Loving Story By Writers Nancy Buirski And Susie Ruth Powell928 Words   |  4 Pagesfor their rights to be married and live together. Today, that struggle to fight for human rights has veered towards the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender LGBT community. Do the LGBT community have the same basic human rights as interracial couples? Well, according to the universal declaration of human rights; every human is free and equal and are all born free also these rights belong to everybody, no matter their Wilson 2 differences. Therefore, same-sex marriages deserves the same basic humanRead MoreEssay on Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage1565 Words   |  7 PagesRecognizing Same-Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage is a huge controversy between Americans across the Country. In thirty-three states marriage is defined as a â€Å"union between a man and a woman†. For seventeen states in the U.S. this definition has been changed because every citizen should be treated equally according to the constitution and this also violates the Equal Protection Clause. It became possible for people of the same-sex to marry when it was stated to be unconstitutional. Denying marriageRead MoreGay Marriage Should be Legal Essay1176 Words   |  5 Pagessurrounding the issue of same-sex marriage. As the debate intensifies, emotional ones quickly replace rational thoughts. Lately, homosexuals carry out most of the fight for the right to be married. Of course, there are several other situations, in which people attempt to challenge traditional matrimony. There was the man who tried to marry his horse. Mormons still practice polygamy, but just as these scenarios do not fit the definition of m arriage, neither does same-sex marriage. Civil unions wereRead MoreThe Issue on Same-Sex Marriage Essay1651 Words   |  7 PagesSame sex marriage is considered one of the most major global issues today. So what is same-sex marriage? Same-sex marriage is a socially recognized marriage between two people of the same biological sex or social gender. Same-sex marriage is a social, moral, political and civil rights issue in many nations. The conflict that arises over whether same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into marriage be required to use a different status, or not have any such rights. Also, the federal governmentRead MoreThe purpose of this policy brief is to recommend to the State of Florida a policy that will1200 Words   |  5 PagesThe purpose of this policy brief is to recommend to the State of Florida a policy that will legalize same-sex marriage and acknowledge same-sex marriages recognized by laws in other states. This policy is necessary because current laws in Florida that restrict marriage to different-sex couples violate the US Constitution’s commitment to equal protection under the law and because the Due Process Clause protects individuals freedoms of personal choices, which includes their choice to marry and have

Psychology - Community & Health

Question: Describe about the Psychology, Community Health? Answer: Introduction The connections between the governments, citizens of the country and communities on a matter of policy and service issues are called Community engagement. The word community engagement denotes the integrate sharing of details and active participation of government and communities. Engagement can be direct or indirect. Effective communitys engagement facilitates citizens and the communities to understand the procedure which the government make and enables them to actively participate in the government process through the addition of skills, knowledge and confidence. The amount of participation the citizens involve on decision making increases depends on the level of engagement. But the authority of the final decision lies with the government. Community Profile I have been involved in Planet Aid UK. This project was implemented in 2010. I along with the Planet Aid UK engaged in the activity to supports the Zimbabwean community in Northampton in the course of engagement withthe Zimbabwe women of Northamptonshire. Food is the basic need for every societys culture. A world wide trend are growing and consuming the local food. The main aim of this engagement is supporting local producer and nourishing biodiversity(Brown, 2011). Planet Aid UK and I was encouraging the youth of Zimbabwe to engage with their own community. Developing awareness of the social and cultural aspects of food and its genesis is the main focal point of the Planet Aid UK. We supported womens youth group of Zimbabwe so that they could buy garden equipments for their allocation in 2011.(Harris, 2004) Techniques used to engage with community The Zimbabwean women teach the youth how growing their own vegetables are important. They introduced different art activities and plantation of trees along with their other activities which leads to the project become more popularity. In the year 2012 in winter Planet Aid UK, Zimbabwean women and I organised an event which was held in UK Clothes For Trees, to support DAPP Zimbabwe of planting 25000 trees which raised 5000 fund. In this event I had participated and lend my helping hand by planting trees with them. The first Zimbabwean youth summer camp was recognised in the summer in 2012. Planet Aid UK and I organised an art exhibition in a local museum with the theme of Beautiful Africa in the spring in 2013 to support the Zimbabwean community. Zimbabwean artists made different type of beautiful art pieces which made the whole community to proud of the origins they belong. (Smith, Williamson and Plec, 2010) Planet Aid UK and I adopted some techniques in order to fulfil our objectives we had organised workshops, community meetings and local events.Stakeholders meetings and roundtables are organised by us.(Authors, 2013)A public seminar that is conversation with the public and city talkswas introduced, in which I had given a speech regarding Planet Aid community and its activities.Information regarding the activity and object of the community is given on the City of UK websites.A community and stakeholder reference group was introduced.(Eskerod and Jepsen, 2013)101 workshops and business forums, conduct surveys relating to a community satisfaction survey. We introduced customer service, neighbourhood service centres. Organisation of workshops, community meetings and local events will help us to relate with public and the government. It will provide the opportunity to the citizen and government to share their views with us and it will invite the opinion from them to improve the services provided by us. Stakeholders meeting and roundtables are organised because stakeholders help in decision making process. Stakeholders provides with valuable input so it is important that stakeholder meeting must be organised. Public seminars that are conversation with the public and city talks are introduced. It helps to know about the situation of the citizen of the country, or their expectations, their views and suggestions regarding our community program. Conversation with the public is the only way by which we could know what the current situation is or how the program is working in their lives. Information regarding the activity and object of our community is given on the UK websites. This is the best technique by which public could know about the project related work or what is the project all about and the interested people can also join the group. A workshop in school must be organised by the community because through this workshop we can educate the people about the importance of growing their own food and importance of planting trees.(Holloway, 2014) We had conducted the survey to know the numbers of people are satisfied with us or how much they are satisfied; this will helpus to launch new programs according to the requirement of the population. I was also involved in the fund raising activities of Planet Aid UK which includes clothes collection, sorting and sale of clothes and clothing bank manufacture.(Rosso and Tempel, 2003). Citizen Participation: The economy will stay on top of the ladder. In this satge there is no depenmdence on the outsider. They are totaly indipendent. They grow their own food. At the the top of ladder Delegated Power and Citizen Control, have-not citizens obtain the majority of decision-making seats, or full managerial power. Activities Collection of clothes is one of the most important means of raising funds for Planet Aid UK. For the collection of used clothes and shoes we have our collection banks which are located in all over the UK. Moreover, for collection of clothes we have made a small community banks which are small containers that occupies less space and we can be placed it to any alternative locations.(Community Banks, Inc. (PA), 2007). All the clothing banks that are placed in many areas are emptied each and every day and the collected clothes are taken to our warehouse which is situated in Northamptonshire.(Posey, 2010). Through this activity recycling service is provided to the local community. This activity helps us to get the support of other people to support the development aid program organised for the poor people of the world.(Miller et al., 2015) Through this activity we came to know about the willing clothes users and it also provides employment to the people of Northampton and the developing c ountries. Our collection drivers are well trained so that they can take good care of the donations and they also keep the areas around the clothing bank neat and clean. The collection banks are maintained by our collection drivers. The activity of fund raising also includes sorting and sale of clothes. We have our own sorting centre which is situated in Corby. The garments that are collected are divided into many qualitative categories that are sorted by our five experienced sorters with the aim of increasing their market value. I had also taken part in the sorting activity of Planet Aid UK by sorting some of the clothes with the experienced sorters of the Planet Aid UK. Clothes are packed into polyester bags and are sold it to Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. We have long-term customer s in Europe who believes that they would receive good quality products. Women high-heels and boots are packed separately and men shoes are packed into bags. Some clothes are donated to Development Aid to UK charity shops in Northampton and some unpaired shoes are sold in Europe. Clothing Bank Manufacture is the third fundraising activity of the Planet Aid UK. After clothing collection, sorting and sale of clothes activities of Planet Aid clothing bank manufacture is another fund raising activity undertaken by us. Close to the Head Office of Planet Aid UK We have a small workshop in which we manufacture a community bank for our own use. Their one of the unique community bank is approximately one metre square is a new and more secure locking system and is suitable for those place which have limited amount of space. The purpose of placing this bank we supports local businesses, allowing other people like the citizens of the country to donate their clothes at their local shops. The community bank is manufactured only for the use of Planet Aid UK and is not provided for sale. 2/3rd of their experience workmen employ in the workshop who manufacture approximately 500 clothing banks per year. This production helps to raise funds for the projects in Africa and India. It is also a good learning environment for Development Instructors who works with the production of pumps in Africa. Their skills will be much appreciated. Conclusion The process of working collaboratively with community groups to address issues that affects the well-being of those groups is called community engagement. It is the process of developing relationships with community members who works side-by-side. Planet Aid UK is one of the examples of community engagement which aims at supporting Zimbabwean community in Northampton. Planet Aid UK wants to engage the youth of Zimbabwe with their own community. Development of awareness of the social and cultural aspects of food is the main paint of Planet Aid UK. On behalf of Planet Aid UK, Ix had adopted various techniques in order to fulfil the objectives. There are many methods and techniques are used in order to engage with the community. Planet Aid UK is also involved in fund raising activities. I had a great experience working with Planet Aid UK and learned a lot about the activities and the events they organise for the wellbeing of the society. References Authors, V. (2013).Roundtables.Psychology, Community Health, 2(2), pp.239-247. Brown, A. (2011). Biodiversity and world food security, nourishing the planet and its people. Deakin, A.C.T.: The Crawford Fund. Community Banks, Inc. (PA). (2007). Mergent's Dividend Achievers, 4(4), pp.73-73. Eskerod, P. and Jepsen, A. (2013).Project stakeholder management.Farnham, Surrey, England: Gower. Harris, J. (2004). Is Chiswick a 'Palladian' Garden?.Garden History, 32(1), p.124. Holloway, P. (2014). The practical science of planting trees.Arboricultural Journal, 36(1), pp.57-58. Miller, S., Srubar, W., Billington, S. and Lepech, M. (2015). Integrating durability-based service-life predictions with environmental impact assessments of natural fiberreinforced composite materials. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 99, pp.72-83. Posey, A. (2010).The warehouse. [S.l.]: Untreed Reads. Rosso, H. and Tempel, E. (2003).Hank Rosso'sAchieving excellence in fund raising. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Smith, L., Williamson, K. and Plec, J. (2010).Origins. New York: HarperTeen.